Champion for Vibrant Health Spotlight: 2024 Collaborative Capacity Building Grant Champions
In 2024, approximately 60 Riverside and San Bernardino counties nonprofits participated in IEHP Foundation’s inaugural Collaborative Capacity Building Grants program, including a 10-course business management training for nonprofit leaders and a $5,000 general operating support grant.
Creating your own Healthy Environment
It’s January, full of New Year’s resolutions and hopeful promises! This is when we transition from an overabundance of holiday treats to healthy snacks and new exercise habits. However, research indicates that 79% of resolutions involve improving health and wellness, yet only 9% of adults stick to their resolutions. Instead of making hard-to-keep resolutions, what if we focused on creating healthy environments for ourselves, our organizations, and our communities, ensuring that healthy habits become part of our daily routines?
What we can do about the Surgeon General’s warnings on mental health
Originally published in the Daily Bulletin. The U.S. Surgeon General recently named loneliness one of our country’s greatest health crises. With heart disease, cancer and accidents topping the list of leading causes of death in our country, who would have thought that loneliness would become a major concern of our “nation’s doctor?”
Champion for Vibrant Health Spotlight: Magdalena’s Daughters
Ashley Hill was working as an LMFT in the County of San Bernardino when she witnessed a disturbing trend: the number of adolescent children, most of whom were girls in foster youth, becoming victims of sexual trafficking. Like many nonprofit leaders, she didn’t set out to do this work; the work found her. In 2018, she founded Magdalena’s Daughters, which provides a unique residential therapeutic program to empower young victims of sex trafficking.
Magdalena’s Daughters was one of 60 nonprofits in the Inland Empire that participated in our Collaborative Capacity Building Grant program earlier this year. Learn more about how the local nonprofit cultivates healthy living among foster and vulnerable youth across the region.
IEHP Foundation awards $2.3 million in grants to strengthen the leadership of local nonprofits
IEHP Foundation is investing over $2.3 million to strengthen the organizational infrastructure of local nonprofits through its Inaugural Leadership Network, a two-year leadership development program for Inland Empire community-based organizations (CBOs) that address the social determinants of health.
How your ZIP code impacts your health
Originally published in the Daily Bulletin. When we think about the factors that influence our health, we often consider things like diet, exercise and genetics. But one crucial, often overlooked factor is a person’s zip code. Several research studies have found a direct correlation between a person’s overall health and their zip code.
Champion for Vibrant Health: Civil Rights Institute of Inland Southern California
The Civil Rights Institute of Inland Southern California (CRIISC) is dedicated to preserving the region’s civil rights history and legacy while inspiring the next generation of social justice leaders.
Connecting to CalAIM
The final IE Vibrant Health Forum for 2024 focused on Connecting to CalAIM: Improving well-being and whole person care through CalAIM and Community Health Workers (CHWs).
Inspiring Civic Engagement: 2024 Election Resources
As we enter the crucial final weeks of the election, with many residents already participating in early voting or turning in mail-in ballots, we wanted to provide valuable nonpartisan information for you, your staff and the communities you serve. Where to Vote in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties There are many options to exercise your […]
Champion for Vibrant Health: Adrian’s World
Felicia Guzman’s idea of a nonprofit to support parents and families of children with Autism and other neurodivergent disabilities came to her at an unexpected place: an NFL game.