What We Fund
Grantmaking and Community Investment Strategies
IEHP Foundation invests in strengthening nonprofit leadership to build healthy neighborhoods and cultivate healthy living across the Inland Empire.
We work alongside our community partners and grantees, our Champions for Vibrant Health – 501(c)(3) CBOs, nonprofits and coalitions operating in San Bernardino County and/or Riverside County that are dedicated to addressing health disparities throughout the Inland Empire.
IEHP Foundation supports and invests in community-based organizations (CBOs), nonprofits and coalitions that focus on our priority populations and priority Vital Conditions.
Priority Populations
Inland Empire CBOs, nonprofits, and partnership networks that serve families with children (ages 0- 18) from the following priority populations:
- Low-income communities
- Rural communities
- Communities furthest away from health equity (HPI score <25)

Priority Vital Conditions
Programs and services to families with children that promote healthy living and healthy neighborhoods, with a focus on the following priority Vital Conditions of Health and Well-Being:
- Basic Needs for Health and Safety: Access to healthy food and nutrition services, promote healthy behaviors free from addiction and increase access to spaces that lead to positive physical and mental health.
- Meaningful Work and Wealth: Access to education programs and career pathways that led to a living wage job in the healthcare or social services sectors.
- Humane Housing: Access to affordable housing, safe living conditions and home ownership.
Funding Goals & Objectives
We believe that reducing health disparities starts with improving the health of the nonprofit sector in the region. As such, IEHP Foundation’s grant programs focus on providing unrestricted, general operating support to build organizational strength for individual nonprofits and expand systems change work for partnership networks.
Each grant, community investment, sponsorship and event supported by IEHP Foundation must align with at least one of the following goals:
Organizational Strength:
Build organizations’ capacity to improve the delivery, access and effectiveness of services that promote healthy living and healthy neighborhoods for families and children living in priority populations. Click each goal area to view respective indicators of success.
- Expansion of services to new community members and/or community members in priority populations.
- Increased depth/quality of services to current community members served (e.g., more classes provided, more 1:1 coaching sessions).
- Increased efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery (e.g., decreased waitlists, increased client retention/program completion).
- New/improved technologies, software(s) and internal processes to track finances, donations and fundraise.
- Increased philanthropic, corporate and private investments in organizations (e.g., individual donors, social enterprises).
- Increased public funding and grants secured by the organization.
- Improved technologies, internal processes and staff knowledge of how to measure results and drive data-informed decisions.
- Increased knowledge of change leadership practices among nonprofit leaders.
- Increased organization participation in collaborations, networks, partnerships and coalitions.
Systems Change:
Expanded collective action leading to greater health access and equity for families with children living in priority populations. Click each goal area to view respective indicators of success.
- Advancing policy and collective advocacy at the local, state and federal levels that promotes health equity.
- Increasing awareness and ability to enact healthy behaviors through trusted messengers via communications campaigns.
- Increased diversity of healthcare workforce in the Inland Empire.
- Increased enrollment and advancement of Inland Empire community members in the healthcare pipeline and educational programs.
- Increased access to preventative, physical and mental healthcare services in Inland Empire priority populations.
- Decreased gaps in health equity between Inland Empire subregions and subpopulations.
- Improved community conditions and environments that promote health equity, including the availability of healthy food and spaces for physical activity.
- Decreased rates of unhealthy behaviors among community members in priority populations, including obesity rates and alcohol/drug addiction rates.
What We Fund
- Event sponsorships for events that convene community-based organizations whose work aligns with our focus areas and strategic goals. Event sponsorships typically range from $1,000 – $10,000 and cannot be an event already sponsored by Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP).
- Responsive grants for projects, programs and organizational capacity-building activities aligned with improving health outcomes for our priority populations. Grants range from $5,000 – $25,000 and are invite-only.
- Leveraged investments for collaboratives, projects, and pooled funds to bolster local coalitions and collaborative efforts to improve health outcomes for our priority population through Collaborative Investment grants. Grants range from $5,000 – $25,000 and are invite-only.
- Capacity building for small nonprofits through an application process.
What We Don’t Fund
- Building, capital, or endowment campaigns
- Fundraising events
- Biomedical research
- Political campaigns, individual candidates running for office, or lobbying for specific legislation
- Organizations that require membership in a certain religion
Questions? Email us at grants@iehpfoundation.org.