IEHP Foundation Events

At IEHP Foundation, one of our core values is fostering a sense of belonging, so we encourage nonprofits to gather, convene and learn together. We do that by hosting events such as our IE Vibrant Health Forums and providing IE nonprofits and CBOs access to event and meeting space.

IE Vibrant Health Forums

IEHP Foundation is dedicated to strengthening the capacity of our nonprofits in the Inland Empire while leveraging additional funding and knowledge sharing opportunities. In 2024, the Foundation launched a speaker series, IE Vibrant Health Forums, for local nonprofits to gather and listen from regional and national experts on topics that directly affect health equity to encourage collective advocacy and foster collaboration to advance Vibrant Health across the region. To register for an upcoming forum, click on the event link below. 

Upcoming IE Vibrant Health Forums

Bridging the Gap: Aligning Storytelling and Advocacy Efforts to Advance Vibrant Health

Previous IE Vibrant Health Forums

Fundraising experts shared how to maximize the potential of annual giving, major gifts, and planned giving to ultimately unlock much-needed unrestricted and targeted funding from individual donors to meet your organization’s goals. To help continue the learning, please explore the resources from the event below: 

Read the Event Recap Article 

Download the Individual Giving Fact Sheet 

Presentation Slides 

Links to Resources 

Event Recording – Watch Here 

On October 23, 2024, IEHP Foundation hosted its final IE Vibrant Health Forum of 2024, Connecting to CalAIM: Improving well-being and whole person care through CalAIM and Community Health Workers (CHWs).  

The forum brought together hundreds of community leaders and organizations across the Inland Empire to learn about and discuss how to engage with CalAIM effectively.  

To help continue the learning, please explore the resources from the event below:

Read the Event Recap 

Download the CalAIM 101 Fact Sheet

Presentation Slides 

Links to Resources 

Event Recording – Watch Here 

Over 100 community-based organizations (CBO) and nonprofit professionals gathered on Thursday, September 5, 2024, at IEHP Foundation’s IE Vibrant Health Forum, titled Strong from the Start: Early Childhood Wellness & Connections to Care, to learn about the importance of community partnerships and the vital role of CBOs in connecting families and their children to health care.   

Local childhood health experts shared recent data, trends, best practices and resources to equip community-based organizations to serve as reliable messengers within their communities. To help continue the learning, please explore the resources from the event below:

Read the Event Recap 

Download the Fact Sheet 

Resources + Links 

Presentation Slides 

The importance of nonprofits’ engagement in public policy and advocacy was a central theme at our inaugural IE Vibrant Health Forum: Unpacking the Governor’s May Revision to the California State Budget held on Friday, May 17.

The forum brought together community leaders and organizations across the Inland Empire to learn about and discuss the impact of the proposed revised budget and how local community-based organizations can participate in the budget process. 

Laura Pryor, PhD of CA Budget & Policy Center, Geoff Green from CalNonprofits, Carina Tamayo-Cabrera from the Governor’s office, and Matthew Hamlett and Adriana Ruelas of the State Assembly shared insightful information about the proposed State Budget’s May Revise.

Read the Event Recap

Meeting Space for Nonprofits

IE nonprofit organizations can access meeting space for business-related meetings, seminars, and convenings located within IEHP’s Center for Learning & Innovation in Rancho Cucamonga, CA.

Due to demand, it is recommended that requests for space be submitted as far ahead as possible. A minimum of 16 weeks’ notice is required.

To learn more about our event guidelines and to request meeting space, click here. All organizers must follow IEHP guidelines and provide a certificate of liability.